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Newspapers and Periodicals

Adevarul. Bucharest.

Anuarul Liceului Ortodox Roman "Andrei Saguna" din Brasov. Brasov.

Anuarul Pedagogic. Sibiu.

Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei. Bucharest.

Aurora. Bucharest.

Biruinta. Cluj.

Brassoi Lapok. Brasso.

Biserica Ortodoxa Romdna. Bucharest.

Biserica si Scoala. Arad.

Bihari Ujsag. Nagyvarad.

Bukaresti Magyar Tudosito. Bucharest.

Calendarul dela Blaj. Blaj.

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Cultura Crestina. Blaj.

Courrier de Geneve. Geneva.

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Cuvantul. Bucharest.

Dacia. Bucharest.

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Desteptarea. Cernauti.

Dimineata. Bucharest.

Drapelul. Lugoj.

Dezbatarile Senatului. Bucharest.

Erdelyi Kalendarium. Torda.

Ellenzek. Kolozsvar.

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Erdelyi tudosito. Brasso.

Foaia Poporului. Sibiu.

Gazeta Ardealului. Cluj.

Gazeta Ciucului. Miercurea-Ciuc.

Gazeta Transilvaniei. Bra~ov.



Gazeta Taranilor. Curtea de Agres.

Generatia Unirii. Bucharest.

Infratirea. Cluj.

Journal Officiel. League of Nations, London.

Kelet. Kolozsvar.

Kepviselohazi Iromanyok. Budapest.

Krasso-Szorenyi Lapok. Lugos.

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Keleti Ujsag. Kolozsvar

Libertatea. Orastie.

Lumea Noua. Bucharest.

Lupta. Bucharest.

Luceafarul. Sibiu.

Luptatorul. Bucharest.

Magyar Kisebbseg. Lugos.

Magyar Statisztikai Kozlemenyek. Budapest.

Magyar Torvenytar. Budapest.

Monitorul Oficial. Bucharest.

A Nap. Arad.

Nagyvarad. Nagyvarad.

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Le progres. Bucharest.

Patria. Cluj.

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Romanul. Arad.

Romania. Bucharest.

Revista Orastiei. Orastie.

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Statistica Anuala a Romaniei. Bucharest.

Statistica Impozitelor Directe. Bucharest.

Statisztikai Kozlemenyek. Budapest. ,

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Books and Essays

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