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(l59) Kuruc was the name given to Hungarian nationalists fighting the Austrian Hapsburg rule. Hungarians who became loyal to the Hapsburgs were called labanc.

(160) lnformation about the origins of Janos Etterhazy was taken from the following sourcesz

Kemeny, Lajos, "Az Esterhazyak Pozsonyban." A Toldy Kor 1943-as Evkonyve. 1943.

Editorial in U Hirek. Forsony. March 14,194].

Gotaiseher Geneologisches Taschenbuch der Graflichen Hauser, 1931. pp.148-158.

(161) Speech by Janos Esterhazy at Otatrafured on December 14.1942, when he was greeted with great enthusiasm by the Hungarians of Slovakia on the tenth anniversary of his election, in the same town, to the presidency of the National Christian Socialist Party. Magyar Hirlap. December 15.1942.

(162) Arato. Endre, Tanulmanyok a szlovakiai magyarok eletebol, 1918-1975. Budapest: Magveto Konyvkiado. 1977. p.29.

(163) Olvedi. Janos, Napfogyatkozas; magyarok Szlovakiaban. New York: Puski, 1985. p.38.

(164) Borsody, lstvan, "Masaryk es az uj Europa, Egy felvideki magyar emlekei." Uj Latohatar. v.XXXIX. No.1, March25, 1988, pp.21-22.

(165) Bibo, lstvan, Valogatott tanulmanyok. v.t., 1935-1944. Budapest: Magyveto Konyvkiado. 1986. pp.508-509.

(l66) Archives Diplomatiques, Paris, Europe 1918-1929, Hongrie. v.59. pp.181-192.

(167) PDR FRH II. Doc.no. 221,224,529, cited in Szarka, Laszlo: "Kisebbsegvedelem, reciprocitas. revizio. Megegyezesi kiserletek a nemzetisegi kerdes teren." in Hungaro-Bohemislovaca 2. Budapest: 1988. pp. 49-SO.


(168) ibid p.53.

(169) Masaryk. in his talks with Jozsef Szent-Ivany, confirmed his readiness to give up the territories inhabited by Hungarians, under certain conditions. First among these was construction of an East-West railroad line. (Magyarorszag a parizsi konferencian, Hungarian Foreign Ministry. 1947. v.4, p.163.)

Also. a very interesting statement Masaryk made early 1923 before Dr. Ede Palyi. a Hungarian journalist. to the effect that "originally it was not our intention to take away from Hungary territories with a Hungarian majority... I am prepared to announce that negotiations may be held to return such territories under appropriate conditions." (Dr. Palyi. Ede. Mikep szereztem en meg a csehek ajanlatait, az elszakitot magyarok bekes visszaadasara. Budapest: 1927. pp.19-27)

Igor llrusovsky. a Slovak member of the Czechoslovak parliament also spoke with Palyi on behalf of Masaryk and sketched a map of the territories which might be returned. This map has been reproduced in Dr. Palyi's book.

Masaryk also told F.Rainiss, the Prague director of the Hungarian State Insurance Company: "I am prepared, even today, to negotiate about peaceful revision." (Magyarorszag a parizsi konferencian. op.cit. p.168.)

Mihaly Karolyi wrote in his memoirs: "A truly liberal democrat did not approve the detachment of purely Hungarian territories without the consent of the population." (Karolyi. Mihaly. Faith without Illusion. New York: 1957. p.171.)

(170) Raschhofer. Hermann. ed.. Die Tschechoslovakische Denkschriften fur die Friedenskonferenz von Paris, 1919/1920. Berlin: 1938. p.185.

(171) Buza. Laszlo, The Legal Status of National Minorities According to the Peace Treaties and Other International Agreements. Budapest: 1930.

(172) Olvedi. Janos, A magyar kisebhseg Csehszlovakiaban. p.280.

(173) Turczel. Lajos. "A kisebbsegi helyzet kialakulasanak korulmenyei Csehszlovakiaban 1918 utan." Irodalmi Szemle. 1966.3.

(174) Kovacs. Endre. Korszak valtas. Budapest: Magveto Konyvkiado. 1981. p.366.

(175) Arato. Endre, Tanulmanyok a szlovakiai magyarok tortenetebol, 1918-1975. Budapest: Magveto Konyvkiado, pp.87-89.

(176) Olvedi. janos. Napfogyatkozas. op.cit. pp.41-42.


(177) Szilassy. Bela, "A felvideki magyarsag elete a ket vilaghahoru kozott." Elszakitott magyarsag. Buenos Aires 1956. p.16.

(178) '48 refers to the March 15.1848 revolution in Hungary.

(179) Regarding the formation and activities of the Hungarian parties in Slovakia, see SiIassy, Bela, op.cit.; Sirchich, Laszlo: A Felvidek az ezereves magyar allamtestben, magyarok Csehszlovakiaban. Tanulmanyok. Cleveland, 1979.:

Arato, Endre: Tanulmanyok a szlovakiai magyarok tortenetebol, op.clt.,

Szvatko, Pal: A visszatert magyarok. A felvideki magyarsag husz eve. Budapesi. 1938.,

Merci, Gyula: A magyar polgari partok programmjai 1867-1918. Budapest, 1971.;

Darvas, Janos, "Politikai eletunk husz eve. Magyarok Csehszlovakiaban. Az orszag utja. Budapest. June 1938.

(18O) Pragat Magyar Hirlap. November 29, 1932.

(181) ibid December 16, 1932.

(182) ibid December29, 1932.

(183) ibid January 1.1933.

(184) ibid June 29, 1933.

(185) ibid July 15.16.1933.

(186) Hirado. September 28, October 5,1933.

(187) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. December 24, 1933.

(188) Hirado. December24, 1933

(189) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. March 17, May 3.1934.

(190) ibid May 23, 1934.

(191) ibid June 20,27, July 11. October 4,1934

(192) ibid October 21.1934.

(193) ibid October 25, 1934.


(194) Hirado. Dcember 25.1934.

(195) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. 1'c1) ruary 10.12. March 6.13.28. April 4.1935.

(196) ibid. April 27. 1935.

(197) ibid June 27. 1935 and Hirado 27. 1935.

(198) ibid scptcmber 22. No' cinl) cr 15.29.1935.

(199) ibid November 30. 1935.

(200) Nittner. Ernest: Documente zur Sudetendeutche Frage. p. 128.

(201) Wojatsek. Charles. op.cit. ref. to. Culen Konstantin: "Po Svatopluki druha nasa hlava" (Zivot, Dr. Josefa Tisu) Middletown JEDNOTA. 1947. 169-170.

(202) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. December 6.1935.

(203) Adam. Magda. Magyarorszag es a Kisantant a harmincas evekben. Budapest; Akademia Kiado. 1968. p.83

(204) Orslagos Leveltar. Kum.res.P0L. 1935.-7-228 and 1936-171896. cited in Adam, Magda. Magyororszag es a kisantant. op.cit.. p.108.

(205) Adam. Magda. A muncheni egyezmeny. op.cit. No.10.

(206) ibid No.11.

(207) ibid No.3.

(208) ibid No.9 and 23.

(209) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. January 14.1936.

(210) ibid February 20.1936.

(211) ibid February 29.1936.

(212) ibid March 26.1936.

(213) ibid April 23.1936.


(214) Hirado. May 5.1936.

(215) ibid June 23. 1936.

(216) Nittner op.cit. p.148.

(217) Orszagos Leveltar, Horthy kabinetirodajanak anyaga. B.1.7. in Horthy Miklos titkos iratai. comp. Miklos Szinai, Budapest: 1962. Doe.No.32. pp.157-167.

(218) Adam, Magda.A muncheni egyezmeny. op.cit. No.30.

(219) Battle of Mohacs in 1526, a devastating defeat of the Hungarian army by the Ottoman Turks, followed by 150 years of Turkish occupation.

(220) ibid No.32.

(221) Hirado. September 30.1936.

(222) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. September 3.1936.

(223) Hirado. October 9,1936.

(224) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. October 16.1936.

(225) Hirado. November 5.1936.

(226) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. November 12 and 15.1936.

(227) ibid December 3.1936.

(228) ibid December 15.1936.

(229) ibid December 20.1936.

(230) Adam, Magda.A muncheni egyezmeny. opeit. No.54

(231) ibid No.82.

(232) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.pol.1938 7/7-541 and 7/7541(1920) .

(233) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-483.


(234) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-486.

(235) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-485.

(236) Adam. Magda. Magyarorszag es a kisantant. op.cit. p.165.

(237) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. January 30. February 17.19. June October 6.16. November 11.1937.

(238) Adam. Magda. A muncheni egyezmeny. op.cit. No.95.

(239) ibid No.96.

(240) ibid No.98.

(241) ibid No.99.

(242) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. November 18.1937.

(243) Pragai Magyarr Hirlap. Novembcr 18.1937.

(244) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.ret.poI. 1938-17-154.

(245) Adam. Magda. A muncheni egyezmeny. op.cit. No.104.

(246) ibid No.124.

(247) Gehl, Jurgen. Austria, Germany and the Anschluss, 1931-1938. London: Oxford University Press. 1963. pp.191-195.

(248) Rich, Norman. Hitler's War Aims. New York: Norton. 1970.v.1, pp.l80-187

(249) Macartney. C.A.. October Fifteenth: A History of Modern Hungary, 1929-1945.2nd ed. Edinburgh: University Press. 1961.v.1. p.109.

Among the political efforts to ease the tension between Hungary and the little Entente. we should note an early March. 1938. visit by Gusztav Gratz to Prague. The Hungarian diplomat's visit. which took place just before the Anschluss, was regarded by many as having a semi-official character. He met President Benes, Prime Minister Hodza and Foreign Minister Krofta. With regard to the question of national minorities Benes said he was planning to introduce reforms to grant far-reaching rights but has no intention of making those reforms subject of


international agreements. The Czech leaders flatly refused to discuss the question or boundaries. And when Gratz pointed to Czechoslovakia's difficult international situation. Benes gave a sarcastic response. saying that "the Czech people have already spent centuries swallowed up by the Holy Roman Empire and would survive even more centuries living in the stomach of another German Empire." (Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1938-7-1455.)

(250) DGFP Washington, D.C.. LT.S.Govt.Printing Office. 1949. 1964. Series D. v.1, No.19.

(251) Adam, Magda.A muncheni egyezmeny. op.cit. No.121,152.182.

(252) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. February 23.1938.

(253) ibid February 27.1938.

(254) DGFP. Series D. 11.135.

(255) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. February 11.12.1938.

(256) ibid March 22.1938.

(257) ibid March 30,1938.

(258) ibid March 31.1938.

(259) ibid April 2.1938.

(260) ibid April 7.1938.

(261) DBFP Third Series. 1-IX. London, 1949-1955 1. 114. and Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.pol. 1938-7/25-897.(1235)

(262) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol.k939-7/a-277.

(263) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-304.

(264) Laffan. R.G.D., Survey of International Affairs, 1938.v.11.London: Oxford University Press, 1951.95. in Wojatsek. Charles, From Trianon... op.cit. App.6.

(265) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. April 26.1938.


(266) ibid May 11.1938

(267) DBFP Third Series. v.1. Doe .N o.164. 95-96.

(268) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. April

In a statement for the MTI Hungarian Telegraphy Agency. Henderson declared: The main result of my visit is that now I can fully understand and appreciate Hungary's national efforts and goals. Thinking people everywhere must understand that permanent peace in Central Europe can be maintained only if we remedy the wrongs perpetrated by the peace treaties and will not do injustice to other nations. (Pesti Naplo. April 26.1938.)

(269) ibid May 4.1938.

(270) Orszagos Leveltar, chiffre. 1938.

(271) ibid Kum.pol.1938-7/28-897.

(272) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. May 13.1938.

(273) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.pol. 1938-7-25-897.

(274) Adam. Magda. A kisantant... op.cit. p.23l and Ciano: Tagebuch 1937/1938.


(275) Le Temps. May 16.1938 and Pragai Magyar Hirlap. May 19.1938.

(276) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol.1938-7-438 and Hoensch op.cit. p.62.

(277) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. May 21. 1938.

(278) ADAP Serie I) .. Bd.l1. Doc.No.184. 185. pp.246-256.

(279) ADAP. Third Series v.1.. Doc.No.259. pp.338-339.

(280) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. May 22,1938.

(281) ibid May 24.1938.

(282) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1938-7-489.

(283) Weltgeschichte der Gegenwart in Dokumenten. pp.59-61


(284) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. May 28 and 29,1938.

(285) ibid May 31. 1938.

(286) ibid

(287) ibid June 1.1938.

(288) Orszaggyulesi Naplo. 1935-40. v.XIX. June 1.1938.

(289) AMZV PZ Budapest. 1938,52402.

(290) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. June 3.1938.

(29) ibid June 2.1938.

(292) ibid June 3.9.1938.

(293) ibid June 11.1938.

(294) ibid June 14.1938.

(295) ibid June 23.24.1938.

(296) ibid June 25.1938.

(297) ibid June 28.1938.

(298) ibid July 1.1938.

(299) ibid July 3.1938.

(300) ibid July 5.1938.

(301) ibid July 12.1938.

(302) ibid July 14,1938.

(303) ibid July 15.1938.

(304) ibid July 21.1938.


(305) ibid July 23.1938.

(306) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-685 (605) .

(307) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-63.

(308) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1938-2/7-2297.

(309) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1935-23.

(310) ibid Kum.res..pol. 1938-l--569.

(311) ibid Kum.res..pol. 1938-17-598.

(312) ibid Kum.res..pol. 1938-49-582.

(313) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. July 24. 1938.

(314) The Times. July 25. 1938.

(315) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. July 24. 1938.

(316) ibid July 27. 1938.

(317) ibid July 28.1938.

(318) The Daily Telegraph.l July 26. 1938, and Pragai Magyar Hirlap. August 2. 1938.

(319) PRO..FO.. 371/21426.133 and Wojatsek. Charles. op.cit. pp.109-11O.

(320) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. August 4.1938.

(321) ibid August 13.1938.

(322) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum pol. 1938-7/4-72.

(323) PRO.F0.. 800/306. September 2.1938.

(324) ibid 800/306.108.

(325) AMZV desle Budapest. 1938.837.838.


(326) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-579; Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-685(674) ; Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-688; Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-685; Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-715; Kum.res.pol. 1938-49-714; Kum.res.pol. l939-16/a-726, and Kum.pol. 1938-2/7-2744 which shows most clearly the Hungarian position concerning the justification of the demand to Prague for a "more far-reaching statement." Copies of this document were sent to the Hungarian legations in London, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Belgrad and Bucharest.

(327) Dailr Herald. August 24.1938.

(328) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.pol. 1938-2/7-2244.

(329) DGFP, C. 111. No..336.

(330) Gehl, Jurgen. op.cit. pp.173-174.

(331) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1938-7-792.

(332) DGFP, D. 11 .,No.367, 383 and ADAP Serie 1) v.11.383. Doc.No.486-487.

(333) ibid

(334) ibid

(335) Priti. op.cit. p.664.

(336) Hoensch. op.cit. p.52.

(337) Pritz, op.cit. pp.665-667.

(338) ibid pp.666-667.

(339) Sakmyster, Thomas L., The Hungarian State Visit to Germany of August. 1938:

Some New Evidence on Hungary in Hitler's Pre-Munich Policy." in Canadian Slavic Studies. 3 (1969) . This article contains the minutes of the Ratz-Hitler meeting from the so-called "Ratz Memorandum." The Memorandum itself is in the Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records. 1909-1945, U.S. National Archives, Washington, D.C., microcopy T973, roll 15. pp.! and 6 of the Memorandum.

(340) DGFP, D, II. No.395.


(341) Hory. Andras. A kulisszak mogott. Vienna: 1965. p.33 and DGFP. 1) . II. No. 402.

(342) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. August 30.1938.

(343) ibid August 30. 1938.

(344) ibid September 1.1938.

(345) ibid September 3.1938.

(346) ibid

(347) ibid September 2.1938.

(348) 8 Orai Ujsag. September 3.1938.

(349) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. September 4,1938.

(350) ibid September 7.1938.

(351) ibid September 6.1938.

(352) Hoensch. opeit. p.81.

(353) Adam. Magda. A munchen i. .. op.cit. No.322.

(354) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. September 7,1938.

(355) ibid September 10.1938.

(356) Lord Runciman to the Prime Minister. Correspondence respecting

Czechoslovakia, September 1938. Septembcr 21. 11) 38. Miscellaneous No.7.

Cmd.5847. London: his Majesty's Stat.Off. 1938. cited in Wojatsek. Charles. op.cit.

Appendix 8.

(357) Mnichov v dokumentech 1. Praha 1958.120.127.

(358) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum .res.pol. 1938-7-806.

(359) ibid Kum.res.pol. ]938-7I25-897(2940) .


(360) ibid Kum.res..pol. 1938-7-804.

(361) Adam, Magda. A muncheni. op.cit. No.340.

(362) ibid No.341.

(363) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 3938-7-809.

(364) Adam. Magda. A muncheni... op.cit. No.343.

(365) Adam. Magda. A kisantant... op.cit. p.226.

(366) Weltgeschichte der Gegenwart in Dokumenten. 67. dok.

(367) Adam, Magda. A muncheni... op.cit. No.351.

(368) ibid No.346.

(369) ibid No.359.

(370) ibid No.347.

(371) ibid No.358.

(372) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. September 19 and 23.1938.

Since the Prague government's censorship had prevented publication of the proclamation in the Hungarian newspapers. Janos Eszterhazy, Geza Szullo and Andor Jaross issued an appeal. addressed to 'Hungarian Brethren!" On account of the censorship. they chose this way to speak to the Hungarians in Czechoslovakia:

"We know that we live in increasingly difficult times. Our fate is harsh but the nation summons every Hungarian to persevere, to work and to have discipline and a confident spirit. We are sending a message to every dwelling where Hungarians live:

"Brethren! We are watching over you! You are not defenseless! We want you to know that you are not alone. Not only we, but the whole world is looking. Let us defend each other! We are waging a determined struggle for a happier and better future, for a free national existence! Hungarian Brethren! Persevere! Be faithful to the nation! Have faith!

With Hungarian comradeship and brotherly greetings.

(signed by Janos Esterhazy, Geza Szullo and Andor Jaross)

(373) Oszagos Leveltar. Kum.res/pol. 1938-11/7-3017.


(374) ibid Kum.pol. 1938-7/7-3265 (3292) -- Regarding Cadogan's notes. see SBFP Third Ser. Il1.77.

(375) Adam. Magda. A muncheni... op.cit. No.365.

(376) ibid No.368.

(377) DBFP Third Ser.II. 928 and 937.

(378) Adam. Magda. A muncheni... op.cit. No.376 .

(379) ibid No.378.

(380) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.chifrre.-bejovo-Varso. 6051/173 and 6055/174.

(381) DBFP Third Ser. II. 1004.986. Neue Dokumente zur Geschichte der Munchener Abkommens. 44.dok.

(382) Adam. Magda. A muncheni... op.cit. No.380.

(383) ibid No.381.

(384) ADAP Serie D .vol. II. 554 dok. pp.689-690.

(385) ibid vol.lI. 583 dok. pp.7l6-724

(386) Orszagos leveltar. Kum.pol. 1938.7/43-2541 and Kum.chirfre.1938-kimeno-Varso.

(387) ibid Kum .chiffre.bejovo-Varso-6215/229 and Landau. Z.-J.Tomaszwski. Monachium. No.316.218 and No.441-442 377.

(388) Kral, V.. Die Deutschen in der Tschechoslowakei 1933-1947. Praha: 1964. p.221 and Kral. V.. Spojenectvi ceskoslovensko-sovetske v europske politice 1935-1939. Praha: pp.345-346. and Landau. Z. op.cit. 468-469,410.

(389) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.chiffre. 1938-kimeno-London.

(390) ibid Kum.pol. 1938-7/7-3265(3293) .

(391) ibid Kum.pol.chiffre,1938-kimeno-Varso-S99S/l05.


(392) ibid Kum.chirfre-1938-kimeno-BerIin-6245/159.

(393) Weltgeschichte der Gegenwart in Dokumenten. 99 dok.223-225.

(394) Weltgeschichte.- op.cit. pp.207--208.

(395) ADAP Serie D 11.671, and Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol.1939-7/a-918.

(396) Allianz Hitler-Horthy-Mussolini 38.

(397) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1939-7/a-937.

(398) ADAP Serie D., II.670.

(399) DBFP II. Anlage C.

(400) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1939-7/a-957.

(401) ibid 1939-7/a-959.

(402) ibid 1938-7/7-3265 (3475)

(403) ibid Kum.pol.1938-7/7-3265 (3476) .

(404) ibid Kum.res.pol. 1939-7/a-994.

(405) ibid Kum.res..pol. 1939-7/a-99I.

(406) ibid Minisztertanacsi jegyzokonyvek, October 7.1938.

(407) ADAP Seric D. v.IV. Doc.No.61,pp.65-68.

(408) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res..pol. 1938-7-Komaromi targyalasok jegyzokonyve.

(409) ADAP Sent D. v.IV, Doc.No.62, pp.68-71.

(419) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.poi. 1938-7/7-3265 (3755) .

(411) ibid Kum.chifrre-bejovo-Roma and DBFP Third Ser. III. No.26.

(412) Orszagos Leveltar. Rum.res.pol. 1939-7/8-1210.


(413) ibid Kum .chiffre. 1938-bejovo-Roma.

(414) Pragai Magyar Hirlap. November 4.1938.

(415) DBFP-Third Ser.III.202.

(416) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.chiffre-bejovo-Roma. and DBFP Third Ser.. III.220.

(417) Hoench. op.cit. p.173. See also pertinent information cited in Part One.

(418) France. Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. The French Yellow Book. Diplomatic Documents, 1935-1939. London: Hutchinson and Co.. Ltd.. 1940. p.25.

(419) Orszagos leveltar. Kum.pol. 1938-7/7-3265 (3451) .

(420) ibid Kum.pol. 1938-7/7-3265 (3497) and DBFP Third Ser.. III.174.

(421 (ibid Kum.chiffre. 1938-bejovo-Roma.

(422) lbid Kum.chiffre.l938-bejovo-Roma.

(423) ibid Kum.chiffre.1938-kimeno-Berlin.

(424) ibid Kum.chiffre. 1935-bejovo-Roma.

(425) ibid

(426) DBFP Third Ser.. III.202.

(427) Craster. H.H.E. ed. Speeches on Foreign Policy by Viscount Halifax. London: Oxford University Press. 1940. p.204.

(428) Chaszar. Edward. op.cit. p.60.

(429) Great Britain Parliament. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. Fifth Series. London: His Majesty's Stat.Off..1938-1939. v.341. p.477.

(430) Chaszar, Edward. op.cit. pp.4-8. See also on the following pages a detailed analysis of the question.with ample references to source material.

(431) Felvideki Magyar Hirlap. December 4,1938.


(432) ibid

(433) ibid

(434) ibid December 24.1938.

(435) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1939-33/a-442 and Kum.chiffre. 1939-Praga. kimeno-5028/3.

(436) Bolgar. Elek, comp. A nemetek magyarorszagi politikaja titkos nemet diplomaciai ckmanyckban, 1937-1942 and Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.chiffre. Berlin kovetseg szamjeltaviratai 1939. 1.18. Doc.No.25, pp.73-82.

(437) ADAP Serie D,v.IV. Doc.No.158

(438) DGFP Serie D,v.IV, Doc.No. 168, p.213.

(439) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1939-33/a-74. Regarding the Kozma-Bonnet talks in Paris, see: Orszagos Leveltar. Kozma Miklos irata 27 Cs. Naplojegyzetek, March 4.7.8,11,1939.

(440) ibid Kum.chiffre. 1939-Praga-bejovo.5291/35 and ADAP Serie D, v.IV. Doe.181, pp.198 and Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.res.pol. 1939-33a-155.

(441) DGFP Serie D,v.VIII.

(442) Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.pol. 1939-21/7-2377.

(443) Macartney op.cit. p.336.

(444) Uj Hirek. January 1,1939.

(445) ibid January 8,1939.

(446) Felvideki Magyar Hirlap, January 20,1939.

(447) Uj Hirek. January 28,29, 1939.

(448) ibid February 9,1939.

(449) ibid February 11, 1939.


(450) Magyar Nemzet. l7 February 28,1939.

(451) Uj Hirek February 28.1939.

(452) FelvidÈki Magyar Hirlap. March 16.1939.

(453) Uj Hirek. March 21. 1939.

(454) ibid April 9,1939.

(455) Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Tortenettudomanyi Intezet. Diplomaciai iratok Magyarorszag kulpolitikajarol. 1936-1945. Laszlo Zsigmond. ed. Budapest: 1963. Barcza to Csaky. March 18.1939: Barcza to Csaky. March 19. 1939. 3:614-6,619.

(456) ADAP Serie D. v.IV. Doc.No.l0. 215. 219. 222; and Orszagos Leveltar. Kum.rs.pol. 1939-33/a-447..-74-319.

(457) Esti Ujsag. May 14,1939 and Felvideki Magyar Hirlap. May 13.1939.

(458) Uj Hirek. June 20.1939.

(459) Felvideki Magyar Hirlap. July 23.1939.

(460) Uj Hirek. July 27,1939.

(461) ibid August 8.1939.

(462) ibid September 7.1939.

(463) .Magyar Nemzet. September 12,1933.

(464) Uj Hirek. October 12.1939.

(465) ibid October 24.1939.

(466) ibid October 29,1939.

(467) ibid November 30.1939.

(468) ibid December 23,1939.


(469) ibid January 1.1940.

(470) Dokumenty z historie ceskoslovenskej politiky 1939-1943. Otahalova Cervinkova, Praha, 1966. Smutny's note on August 4.1943 p.720. Cited by Janics, Kalman op.cit. p.96.

(471) Uj Hirek. January 28. 1940.

(472) ibid March 14.1940.

(473) ibid May 9.1940.

(474) ibid June 23,1940.

(475) ibid August 30. September 5.13. October 10.1940.

(476) ibid November 28, 1940.

(477) ibid December 22, 1940.

(478) ibid January 1.1941.

(479) Pesti Hirlap. February 29?, 1941.

(480) Uj Hirek. March 11.1941.

(481) Magyar Hirek. May 24.1941.

(482) Uj Hirek. August 29,1941.

(483) ibid August 15,1941 and Kisebbsegvedelem 1941. No.5-6, pp.36-37.

(484) Uj Hirek. September 2.1941.

(485) Magyar Hirlap. June 28,1942.

(486) ibid

(487) ibid December 15.1942.

(488) Historicky Casopis. Bratislava, 1969/3, p.352, cited in Janics, Kalman, op.cit. 35-36.


(489) Grenzbote. May 19. 1942.Vol.72. No.133. Copy in author's possession.

(490) Nove Stovo. Bratislava. August 21.1969. cited in Janics. Kalman. op.cit. p.36.

(491) Notes among the papers of the late Louise Esterhazy. sister of Janos Esterhazy. in the author's possession.Hereafter: Louise Esterhazy papers.

(492) Magyar Hirlap. September 5.1943.

(493) Pesti Hirlap. January 20.1944.

(494) Losonci ilirlap. January 9.1944

(495) ibid January 30.1944.

(496) Magyar Hirlap March 26.1944.

(497) Precan, Vilem. Slovenske narodne povstanie. Bratislava: 1965. Letter from a

non-Communist resistance group. March 14.1944 p.102. Cited in Janics. Kalman. op cit. 101.

(498) Precan. Vilem. op.cit. p.331. cited in Janics, Kalman. op.cit.p. 102.

(499) ibid p 262. cited in Janics. Kalman. op.cit. p.111.

(500) ibid p.468. cited in Janics, Kalman. op.cit.p.l08.

(501) Janics. Kalman op.cit.p.111.

(502) Cesta ke kvetnu. Praha. 1965. (Collection of Documents) Minutes of the meetings between Benes and the delegation of the Czech Communist Party in Moscow. p.268. Also. address by Marek Culen on October 13.1944. cited in Janics, Kalman op.cit. p.l13.

(503) Husak, Gustav. Svedectvo a Slovenskom narodnom povstani. 1964. p.548. cited in Janics, Kalman op.cit. p.117.

(504) Louise Esterhazy papers.

(505) Szekely. an ancient branch of the Hungarian people, descendants of the earliest inhabitants of Transylvania.


(506) Kertesz. Stephen 0.. The Last European Peace Conference - - Paris, 1946

- Values in Conflict. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 1985. and

Kertesz, Stephen 0., Between Russia and the West. Hungary and the Illusion of Peace Making, 1945-1947. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984. and

Fulop, Mihaly. "A Kulugyminiszterek Tanacsa es a magyar bekeszerzodes." Kulpotitika. 1985. No.4, pp.124-156.

(507) The meeting was called pursuant to decree No.88/1945 by the President of the Republic.

(508) Janics. Kalman op.cit. p.228.

(509) Contemporary press report from Pozsony. dated October 5, 1947. Copy in author's possesston.

(5l0) Louise Esterhazy papers.

(51l) Felvideki Tudomanyos Tarsasag Ertesitoje, 1957 No.1.

(512) ibid

(513) Prejav presedu SKS. Stefan B. Roman na osmom Generalnom Zhomazdeni SKS. Bulletin c.76 and c.80.


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