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For a good collection, see the bibliography offered by A. du Nay in these pages. Additional recommended works:

Asztalos, M. ed. A történeti Erdély (The Historical Transylvania). Budapest, 1936.

Bartha, Antal. ,,A dákóromán kontinuitás problémái" (Problems of the Daco-Roman continuity theory), Magyar Tudomány (Budapest) 2 (1977), 145-56.

Bodolai, Zoltán. The Timeless Nation. 5th ed., Canberra: Transylvanian Association of Canberra, 1989.

Cadzow, John F., - Ludanyi, Andrew, - Elteto, Louis J. Transylvania: The roots of ethnic conflict. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1983.

Endrey, Anthony. The other Hungary. Youngstown, Ohio: Katolikus Magyarok Vasárnapja - Catholic Hungarians' Sunday, 1988 (?).

Fischer-Galati, Stephan. The new Rumania: From people's democracy to socialist republic. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1967.

George, Pierre, - Tricart, Jean. L'Europe Centrale. Vol.I. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954.

Gyurkó, János. (see: Kosztin, Árpád).

Hóman, Bálint. A székelyek eredete (The origins of the Székelys). Budapest: Nyelvtudományi Társaság, 1921.

Hurmuzaki, Eodoxiu. Documente privatoare la istoria romanilor. Bucuresti, 1876.

Illyés, Elemér. Erdély változása: Mítosz és valóság (Change in Transylvania: Myths and reality). Munich: Aurora, 1976.

---- Ethnic continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian area. --East European Monographs No.CCXLIX, New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.

Kniezsa, István. Magyarország népei a 11. században (The peoples of Hungary in the 11th century). Budapest, 1938.

Kosztin, Árpád. A dákóromán legenda: Keresztény kultuszhelyek Erdélyben (The Daco-Roman legend: Christian cultic buildings in Transylvania). Budapest: Népszava, 1989. This volume contains as a valuable appendix pertinent research results by Gyurkó, János under the title: ,,Kelet-Magyarország Árpád-kori templomai" (Churches of Eastern Hungary in the Árpád Era).

Köpeczi, Béla, ed.-in-chief, - Makkay, László, - Mócsy, András, - Szász, Zoltán, - Barta, Gábor. Erdély története I, II, III. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1986. Abbreviated, German version: Kurze Geschichte Siebenbürgens (1991). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990. Abbreviated, French version: Histoire de la Transylvanie. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1992.

Lote, Louis, ed. et Borsody Stephen, - Dreisziger, Nandor, - Makkai, Adam, - Schöpflin, George. Transylvania and the theory of Daco-Roman-Rumanian continuity. Rochester, New York, 1980.

Macartney, C.A. Hungary and her successors: The Treaty of Trianon and its consequences 1919-1937. London: Oxford University Press, 1937.

Mikó, Imre. Huszonkét év: Az erdélyi magyarság politikai története 1918 dec. 1-töl 1940. aug. 30-ig (Twenty two years: The political history of the Transylvanian Hungarians from 1st December, 1918 until 30th August, 1940). Budapest: Studium, 1941.

Reitlinger, Gerard. The SS - The Alibi of a Nation. Melbourne - London - Toronto: Heinemann, 1956.

Schramm, Gottfried. Eroberer und Eingesessene: Geographische Lehnnamen als Zeugen der Geschichte Südosteuropas im 1. Jahrtausend n. Chr. (Conquerors and native peoples: Borrowed toponyms as witnesses to the history of South-eastern Europe in the 1st millennium A.D.). Stuttgart: Anton Hirsemann, 1981.

Siculus Versus (= +Domokos, Pál Péter). A nemzetek és vallások története Romániában (The history of peoples and religions in Rumania). Youngstown, Ohio: Katolikus Magyarok Vasárnapja - Catholic Hungarian's Sunday, 1980.

Stadtmüller, Georg. Geschichte Südosteuropas (The history of Southeastern Europe). München: R. Oldenbourg, 1950.

---- Grundfragen der europäischen Geschichte (Basic problems of European history). Wien: R. Oldenbourg, 1965.

Szaz, Z. ,,Contemporary educational policies in Transylvania,,. East European Quarterly II (1977), 493-501.

Vékony, Gábor. Dákok, rómaiak, románok (Dacians, Romans, Rumanians). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1989.

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