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Abbreviation: IR Compendiu 1969

Daicoviciu, C., Dacica. Studii si articole privind istoria veche a pamîntului românesc [Dacica. Studies and Articles on the Ancient History of the Rumanian Land], Bibliotheca Mvsei Napocensis, Cluj, 1969.

Daicoviciu, C., (red.) Istoria Romîniei [The History of Rumania], vol I., Edit. Acad. RPR, Bucharest, 1960.

Abbreviation: IR 1960

Daruvar, Yves de, Le destin dramatique de la Hongrie, Editions Albatros, Paris, 1970.

Deér, J., Gáldi, L. (red.), Magyarok és románok [Hungarians and Rumanians], Budapest, 1943.

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Gudea, N., "Cîteva observatii si note critice cu speciala privire la partea istorica a monografiei Etnogeneza românilor de I.I. Russu [Some Remarks and Critical Notes with Special Reference to the Historical Part of Rumanian Ethnogenesis by I.I. Russu], Acta Mvsei Napocensis, XX, 1983, pp. 903 - 916.

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Mihaila, G., Studii de lexicologie si istorie a lingvisticii românesti [Studies of Lexicology and the History of Rumanian Linguistics], Edit. Didactica si pedagogica, Bucharest, 1973.

Abbreviation: Mihaila Studii 1973

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Pascu, S., Voievodatul Transilvaniei [The Voivodate of Transylvania], Edit. Dacia, Cluj; vol. I: 1972, vol. II: 1979, vol. III: 1986, vol. IV: 1989.

Abbreviation: Voievodatul I, II, III, and IV, respectively

Pascu, S. (red.), Istoria României. Compendiu [The History of Rumania. Compendium], 3rd edition, Edit. Didactica si pedagogica, Bucharest, 1974. Abbreviation: IR Compendiu 1974

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Rosetti, A., Istoria limbii române [The History of the Rumanian language], definitive edition, 1986; Edit. Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucharest.

Rosetti, A. (red.) Istoria limbii române [The History of the Rumanian Language], vol. II; Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1969.

Abbreviation: ILR 1969

Rosetti, A. (red.), Istoria literaturii române [The History of the Rumanian Literature], Bucharest, 1970.

Russu, I.I., Limba traco-dacilor [The language of the Thraco-Dacians], Edit. Stiintifica, Bucharest, 1967.

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Suciu, C., Dictionar istoric al localitatilor din Transilvania [Historical Dictionary of the localities of Transylvania], Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, vol. I: 1967, vol II: 1968.

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Vékony, G., Dákok, rómaiak, románok [Dacians, Romans, Rumanians], Akadémiai kiadó, Budapest, 1989.

270Abbreviations are mainly constructed by the family name of the author + the year of publishing of the work in question. Where this is not the case, the abbreviation is given following the complete data about the work.

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