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Chapter 5

1. Nové Prúdy, January 20, 1946.

2. Pravda, January 20,1946.

3. Cambel, Slovenská agrárna otázka, p. 223.

4. Èas, January 6, 1946.

5. Ibid., January 15, 1946.

6. Mr. Davies evidently responded to rumors of Hungarian origin, widely circulated in the Western press, that church services in Hungarian had been forbidden in Slovakia. SB.

7. Èas, January 20, 1946.

8. Ibid., January 24, 1946.

9. Dalibor M. Krno, Jednali sme o mir s Mad'arskem (We negotiated with Hungary about peace) Prague, 1947, p. 47.

10. Èas, February 26, 1946.

11. Ibid., February 28, 1946.

12. Ibid., March26, 1946.

13. Juraj Zvara, A Magyar nemzetiségi kérdés megó1da Szlovákiában (The solution of the Hungarian nationality question in Slovakia) Bratislava, 1965, p. 36.

14. Zprávy státneho plánovacieho a statistického úradu, (Bulletin of the Government Bureau of Planning and Statistics) Bratislava, August 1, 1946.

15. Új Otthon (Budapest), August 1, 1948. The presence in Hungary of 477,000 Slovaks was also cited at the Paris conference by the Czechoslovaks (Krno, op. cit., p. 125). Twenty years later, the Pravda of Bratislava still referred to 300,000 Slovaks in Hungary (Pravda, February 28, 1968).

16. Új Otthon, January 31,1948.

17. Cf. Dr. Jan K. Garaj, Slováci a Èesi (Slovaks and Czechs) Prague, 1946, pp. 28, 73, 84, 131.

18. Cambel, Slovenská agrárna otázka 1944-1948, p. 251.

19. Rok Práce (The year of work) Bratislava, 1946, p. 85.

20. Zvara, op. cit., p. 40.

21 - Demografická pøíruèka (Demographic handbook) Prague, 1966, p. 44.

22. Soupis obyvatelstva v Èeskoslovensku v letech 1946 a 1947 (Census of the population of Czechoslovakia in the years 1946 and 1947), State Statistical Office, Prague, 1951, pp. 548-549. It was made public only in 1951.

23. Krno, op. cit., p. 41. (I compared the text of speeches on Hungarian problems at the peace conference quoted from Krno with that published by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and made adjustments, whenever necessary, for the sake of accuracy.) Cf. Hungary and the Peace Conference, Budapest, 1947, vol. IV -SB.

24. Ibid., p. 43.

25. Ibid., p. 47.

26. Ibid., p. 52.

27. In May 1940, I requested an eyewitness, Dr. V. Blaha, a physician of Slovak nationality from the neighboring Komjatice (Komját), to tell the true story of the volleys fired at surani [Nagysurány]. Dr. Blaha's account of the incident is as follows: "In the early hours of December 25, 1938, the rumor spread in Nagysurány, that the Roman Catholic priest will deliver an anti-Hungarian speech of exhortation in the church. The community's Slovak population filled the church, while Hungarian soldiers and gendarmes surrounded the church. The local Hungarian gendarmes were reinforced by a military unit under the command of a young officer. When the excited crowd leaving the church noticed this, they began to throw stones at the soldiers . . . The young officer, inexperienced and confused, kept looking around and, when hit by a stone under the eye, he ordered the troops to fire into the crowd."-K.J.

28. Èas, August 18, 1946.

29. Ibid., August 23, 1946.

30. Krno, op. cit., p. 60.

31. Ibid., p. 122.

32. Ibid., p. 125.

33. Ibid., p. 126.

34. Ibid., p. 130.

35. Ibid., p. 132.

36. Ibid., p. 145.

37. Otázky mezinárodniho práva a medzinárodni politiky (Problems of international law and international politics) Prague, 1935, pp. 61, 63. (Speeches of Academician A. Y. Vishinsky.)

38. Krno, op. cit., p. 148.

39. Ibid., p. 164.

40. Ibid., p. 282.

41. Ibid., p. 177.

42. Èas, October 6, 1946.

43. Ján Masaryk, Ani opona. ani most (Neither curtain, nor bridge), pp. 13-14.

44. Krno, op. cit., p. 249.

45. Nové Prúdy, October 6, 1946, p. 434.

46. Ibid., October 25, 1946, p. 466. (Article by Ibl.)

47. Ibid., October 25, 1946, p. 468 (Article by K. Argus.)

48. Ibid., November 8, 1946. (Article by Dr. Martin Hano.)

49. Obzory, October 19, 1946, p. 659.

50. Èas, November 5, 1946.

51. Pravda, January 29, 1946.

52. Èas, November 20, 1946.

Chapter 6

1. Vychodoslovenská Pravda, November 3, 1946.

2. Cambel, Slorenská agrárna otázka, p. 318.

3. Èas, October23, 1946.

4. Práca, November 13, 1946.

5. Èeskoslovensk y Vychod, November24, 1946.

6. Èas, January 8, 1947.

7. Gyula Duba, Vajúdó parasztvilág (Peasantry in Travail), pp. 91-92.

8. Purgat, Za nové Èeskoslovenska, p. 191.

9. Slovník lidové správy (Handbook on people's administration), p. 325.

10. Václav Prúcha, Hospodárske dejiny Èeskoslovensko v 19. a. v. 20. storoèí (The economic history of Czechoslovakia in the 19th and 20th centuries) Bratislava, 1974, p. 275.

11. Èas, November 29, 1946.

12. Ibid., November26, 1946.

13. Ibid., November 29,1946.

14. Nové Prúdy, Christmas 1946, p. 613.

15. Práca, December 19, 1946.

16. Pravda , December 22, 1946.

17. Èas, Christmas 1946, ("Where Does Terror Reign?")

18. Práca, February 10, 1947.

19. Katholické Noviny, 1947, No. 33. The Catholic paper's statement was attacked as "un-national" by Národná Obroda, August 21, 1947.

20. Partizán, 1947/15, p. 5

21. Nové Prúdy, February 9, 1947.

22. Práca, February 2, 1947.

23. Ibid., February 7, 194?.

24. Ibid., February 9, 1947.

25. Ibid., February 10, 1947.

26. Ibid., February 15, 1947.

27. Èas, February 13, 1947.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Práca, January 25, 1947.

31. Nové Prúdy, June 8, 1947.

32. Magyarok Czehsz1ovákiában (Hungarians in Czechoslovakia) Bratislava, 1969, p. 218. (An essay by Juraj Zvara.)

33. Cambel, op. cit., p. 318.

Chapter 7

1. Obzory, January 25, 1947.

2. Rol'nická Nedel'a, January 19, 1947.

3. Obzory, January 4, 1947.

4. Práca, February 28, 1947. (Article by Dr. Andrej Sarvas.)

5. Pravda, March 25, 1947 (Article signed "Pb.")

6. Obzory, March 15, 1947.

7. Èas, March 25, 1947.

8. Práca, March 27, 1947.

9. Èas, March 25, 1947.

10. Ibid., April 12, 1947.

11. Èeskoslovensky Vychod, April 27, 1947. (Article signed "Kin.")

12. Nové Prúdy, April 8, 1947.

13. Èas, April 13, 1947.

14. Ibid., June22, 1947.

15. Národná Obroda, April 27, 1947. (Editorial by L. Novomesky.)

16. Nové Prúdy, April 27, 1947. (Article by Stefan Plesko.)

17. Èas, June22, 1947.

18. Nás Národ. September 7, 1947.

19. Obzory, October25, 194?.

20. Èas, December31, 194?. (Article by Ján strba.)

21. Národnái Obroda, May22, 1947.

22. Èas, May 13, 1947.

23. Práca, May30, 1947.

24. Nové Prúdy, Christmas 1947.

25. Nás Národ, September 7, 1947. (Article by J. Miklo.)

26. Èas, August 9, 1947.

27. Ibid., May22, 1947.

28. Obzory, November 1, 1947.

29. Èas, June27, 1947.

30. Ibid., July 1, 1947.

31. Ibid., August 5, 1947.

32. Nové Prúdy, August 31, 1947.

33. Ibid., July20, 1947.

34. Z dejín odborového hnutia na Slovensku, 1946-48 (From the history of the trade union movement in Slovakia, 1946-48) Bratislava, 1971, p. 13.

35. Tvorba, October 15, 1947.

36. Dnesek, August 21, 1947.

37. Èíl, December 5, 1947.

38. Obzory, October 11, 1947.

39. Ibid.

40. Ibid.

41. Èas, April 6, 1947.

42. Tvorba, March 19, 1947. (Statement by Dr. Vladimír Procháska, Communist Representative of the Constitutional Assembly.)

43. Tvorba, June 18, 1947.

44. Ibid., August 20, 1947.

Chapter 8

1. Anton Rasla, L'udové súdy (The people's courts) Bratislava, 1969.

2. Pravda, March 20, 1948. (Statement by Dr. Julius Victory.)

3. Raesla, op. cit., p.153.

4. Obzory, May 3, 1947.

5. Raesla, op. cit., p.71.

6. Cal, June27, 1947.

7. Vytend Slovensko pred februárom (East Slovakia before February), Kosice, 1958, p. 112. (Article by Juraj Purgat on the Hungarian minority).

8. Èas, December 22, 1946.

9. Nové Prúdy. February 15, 1948.

10. The inhabitants of Southern Slovakia were Hungarian citizens by international law (after the Vienna Award, November 2, 1938). Tiso Slovakia was recognized by the Soviet Union, September 16, 1939 (Cf. Benes, Paméti p. 200). The official mission of the Czechoslovak Ambassador to Moscow, Zdenìk Fierlinger ended, January 1, 1940, at the request of the Soviet Government (Cf. Benes. op. cit., p. 104). Despite these facts, the theory of Czechoslovakia's "legal continuity" was applied retroactively to 1938. Benes himself, actually formulated the theory only in exile in 1942.-K.J., supplemented by S.B.

11. Èas, April 17, 1947.

12. Ibid., January 22, 1947.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. Dnesek, January 2, 1948.

16. Ibid., November 13, 1947.

17. Národná Obroda, Apr11 27, 1947.

18. Tvorba, July25, 1947.

19. Dnesek, January 8, 1948.

20. Ibid., January 15, 1948.

21. Èas, March 16, 1947.

22. Martin Vietor, Dejiny Okupácie (History of occupation), pp. 367-68.

23. Èas, September 18, 1947.

24. Éva Teleki, Nyilasuratom Magyarorságon (Arrow Cross rule in Hungary), p. 120.

25. Cf. Zoltán Fábry, Stószi délelõttök. See Chapter 1, note 30.

26. Vietor, op. cit., p. 349.

27. Cf. M. Lackó, Nyilasok, nemzetiszocialisták (Arrow Crossists, National Socialists), p. 283.

28. Pr'pevky k dejinám vychodného Slovenska (Contributions to the history of East Slovakia) Bratislava, 1964, pp. 385-86. (Essay by Ladislav Olexa.)

29. Vladimir Motoska, Profitasticky ohdoi v Novohrade (Anti-Fascist resistance in Novohrad), Martin, 1974, p. 159.

30. Predvoj, April25, 1968.

31. Dr. Daniel Okali, Matica SIovenská a národnosti (Matica Slovenská and the nationalities. In Narodné Vybory, 1969, No. 9.

32. Tvorba, May 14, 1947. (Article by Dr. Jozef stìpánek.)

33. Ibid., October 8, 1947. (Article by same, critical of the Minister of Justice, Dr. Prokop.)

34. Ibid., July 25, 194?. (Intervention by the Communist Deputy Karol Bacílek.)

Chapter 9

1. Èas, January 11, 1948.

2. Nové Prúdy. January 25, 1948.

3. Èas, January 28, 1948.

4. Nové Prúdy, February 8, 1948.

5. Ibid., February 22, 1948.

6. Sloboda, January 23, 1948.

7. Obzory, January 31, 1948.

8. Ibid., February 21, 1948.

9. Tvorba, February 4, 1948.

10. Pravda, March 9, 1948.

11. Trorba, May 1, 1948. (Report on comments by the French paper, Le Populaire.)

12. József Rávay, Élni tudtunk a szabadsággal (We knew how to live with freedom) Budapest, 1949, p. 375.

13. Pravda, November28, 1948.

14. The census of 1950 found 13, 441 Hungarians in the Czech lands; if not all, but the majority of them were the deportees who chose to stay. Cf. Demografická pøíruèka, 1966, p. 45.

15. Új Szó, February 26, 1949.


1. Juraj Zvara, A magyar nemzetiségi kérdés megolddása SzIovákiában (The solution of the Hungarian nationality question in Slovakia) Bratislava 1965,

2. Maria Lavová's review of Zvara's book in Historicky Èasopis, 1967, No.2.

3. Lavová, op. dt, , p. 301.

4. Ibid., p. 305,

5. Új Szó March 1, 1951; Pravda, April 8, 1951.

6. Új Szó, April25, 1954.

7. See, in particular, the works of Sarnuel Cambet (Slovenská agrárna otázka, 1972) and Juraj Purgat (Od Trianonu po Kosice, 1979), as quoted several times.

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