Book Reviews
  • Eugene Csocsán de Váralja Prof.:  The Hungarian Monarchy and the European Renaissance
  • John P. C. Matthews - Explosion: The Hungarian Uprising of 1956
  • EGGERS, Martin: Das "Großmährische Reich" Realität oder Fiktion
    Neuinterpretation der Quellen zur Geschichte des mittleren Donauraum im 9. Jahrhundert / Martin Eggers. - Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1995. - 525 p. - (Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters ; 40.). - A "Nagymorva Birodalom" valóság vagy fikció : a Közép-Duna-térség 9. századi története forrásainak új értelmezése In: Hist. Z. - München ISSN 0018-2613, 263.Bd. 2.H. (Okt. 1996), p. 462-463. This book is putting the myth of the "Great Moravian Empire" in a new perspective. A must for any one researching the history of the Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks.
  • MACMILLAN, Margaret: About Trianon
    ..... David Lloyd George himself pronounced the verdict in a speech at the Guildhall in London, on October 7, 1928, when he admitted that the entire documentation they had been provided with by "some of their allies" during the peace negotiations was a bundle of falsehoods and fabrications. They had made their decisions on the basis of fakes. "That terrible accusation which has never been answered --wrote Henri Pozzi-- also spells out the responsibility of the allied negotiators. How could it be that they should not have noticed soon the procedures employed by the representatives of Prague, Bucharest and Belgrade, in order to subvert their good faith with those fancy statistics, fake petitions, tricks and lies which made Trianon one of the worst iniquities in diplomatic history." (Henri Pozzi: La Guerre revient, Paris 1933). Now, the Great-grand-daughter of Lloyd George wrote a memorable book about the Paris Peace Treaties of l920. Professor MacMillan teaches at the prestigious University of Toronto, ON, Canada. Her book stirred up the interest Worldwide in this horrible mistake of a "peace treaty" that created Hitler and Stalin and proved to be the root cause of World War II. PARIS SIX MONTHS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD 1919 Margaret MacMillan RANDOM HOUSE/ NEW YORK Copyright © 2001 by Margaret MacMillan ISBN:0-375-50826-0 Quote from the end of Chapter XX. HUNGARY: "In 1945, the victorious Allies restored the boundaries of Trianon and there they remain, one of the arrangements from the Paris Peace Conference that has not been undone. Yet."