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Saturday, November 3, 1956


0910 "According to information received from Ferihegy Airport [Budapest], a message has been received from Prague announcing the arrival here this morning of an aircraft carrying 16 UN
delegates. [74/75]

0930 Press review. Nepszava asks that work and production be resumed:
"Children are hungry, clothing and shoes wearing out, fuel is getting scarce, gas and electricity are getting weaker. The hospitals with all the wounded are endangered. . . . If the country is paralyzed, if its economy runs down, if it loses strength, it will be more exposed than ever before to the resumption of the Stalinst, Rakosiist tyranny. We certainly do not want this to happen; we cannot allow this to happen. It demonstrates great political wisdom that almost every worker in Csepel, workers of the Mavag, of the Ganz Electrical Works, of the Ganz Car Factory . . and several other big factories, most railroad men and construction workers, have decided to resume work because the continuation of the strike would paralyze the country's economy and would weaken us, not the enemy.


0800 Report that Soviet military forces are moving west through TransDanubia.
1105 "The newspaper Igazsag [Truth] yesterday asked the Revolutionary Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs three questions. The questions were:
1. Is it true that the Hungarian delegate at the UN, who played such an ignominious role, was actually Leo Konduktorov, Soviet oil engineer?
2. Is it true that Konduktorov was given the new name of Dr. Peter Kos by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
3. Why is it that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not inform the nation of these facts when Konduktorov's assignment had become known?
"This morning the Revolutionary Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave the following answers:
It is true that Peter Kos is in reality a Soviet citizen and his name is Leo Konduktorov. It is true that the former leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the renaming of Konduktorov. The Revolutionary Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs further stated that before Imre Nagy's declaration it had demanded the immediate cancellation of Peter Kos' appointment. Meanwhile, the Revolutionary Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared a proposal for the immediate removal of the Rakosiist and Stalinist diplomats. Necessary steps have already been taken for the recall of certain officials in the diplomatic service.
1130 Press review:
The Nepszabadsag editorial says that the Hungarian Socialist Workers'
[Communist] Party has been formed under difficult circumstances. The majority of the former Party organs has been disbanded . . . the situation is difficult. If we want to reorganize our resources, we must take a most energetic stand against the criminal leadership of the Hungarian Workers' Party. We must not and we will not admit to membership people who were directly responsible for devising and directing the policy which led to catastrophe . . . we will not become a party of a million members, we shall work more modestly than before. . . . We take a most resolute stand against every attempt to restore in Hungary the rule of landowners, capitalists and mining tycoons, and we take a most resolute stand for the maintenance of every achievement which proved correct and useful for the community. . . . We approve of the Imre Nagy declaration advocating the neutrality of our country and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country's entire territory. We consider the resumption of work an urgent necessity because the strike is no longer in the interest of the nation but in that of the forces striving against the independence of the nation."


0800 Report of reinforcement of Soviet troops in Hungary:
"Most of the troops are being concentrated around Budapest. General Pal Maleter announced that last Wednesday [Soviet First Deputy Premier] Mikoyan promised ... that Soviet forces still garrisoned on Hungarian soil under the Warsaw Pact would be withdrawn. On the other hand, Radio Budapest [Radio Free Kossuth] announced that on his latest visit to Budapest, Mikoyan said that all Soviet troops will be withdrawn from Hungary except those which are to remain under the Warsaw Pact." [75/76]

Report that the Austro-Hungarian frontier has been closed off by Soviet troops.
"According to the reports of our people about 200 Soviet tanks are lined up on the Tisza River [runs north to south in eastern Hungary] facing westward."
More reports of Soviet tank, artillery and infantry reinforcements entering Hungary, occupying airfields and railroad stations.


1310 "Hungary's representatives will shortly appear in the United Nations to inform world public opinion and the world organization about the present situation and the circumstances which have emerged as a result of the revolution in Hungary. . . The government has declared the country's neutrality. This involves not only the rights but also the duties of neutrality. . . . We must insure, therefore, that as a neutral country we establish the neutrality of our foreign policy and information services. Essentially, we want to maintain friendly relations, on the basis of equality, first of all with our neighbors but naturally with other countries of the world as well.
"The further shaping of the Hungarian situation depends, beside the discussions taking place in the UN, to a decisive degree on the Hungarian-Soviet negotiations which are to begin very shortly. It is indispensable that a properly calm atmosphere be established in regard to these negotiations. The cause of the exceptional deterioration of Hungarian- Soviet relations lies in the fact that the Gero-Hegedus clique called Soviet troops into the Hungarian capital. The Hungarian revolution is not directed against the Soviet Union as a State; its main objective is to assure the withdrawal of Soviet forces. This must be clarified by all means...
"At the same time, Hungarian youth, the sons and daughters of workers, peasants and intellectuals, did not shed their blood in order to open a road to Fascism. The overwhelming weight of Hungarian public opinion sees the result of the revolution as the establishment of a neutral, independent and democratic country, and just as it was ready to sweep out Stalinist tyranny, so it will protect with the same determination and firmness its regained democratic achievements against all kinds of irresponsible incitements.
"Neutrality also involves the duty of putting an end to the manhunt in our country, and of using calm and dignified language in connection with our neighbors. We understand the anxiety of our Polish and Yugoslav friends for the future of the Hungarian revolution. We can set their minds at rest, however, because after the transitory disorders the situation has been for the most part consolidated..." [76/77]

1418 "Important announcement:
"The joint Committee of the Hungarian and Soviet Army Commands met this morning and both parties have explained their points of view as regards the technical problems of the withdrawal of Soviet troops. The joint Committee has agreed to study the mutual explanations and to meet again at 2100 [GMT] tonight.
"Meanwhile, the Soviet delegation has promised that several trains carrying Soviet troops will not cross the Hungarian frontier."
1510 "Imre Nagy . . . received at noon today Austrian Minister Peinsipp, who handed him the following aide memoire:
"'My government has authorized me to take the most energetic stand against allegations that the Austrian government permits armed or unarmed Hungarian emigres to infiltrate into Hungary through Austrian territory.
"'The Austrian government has ordered the establishment of a closed zone along the Austrian-Hungarian frontier.
The [Austrian] Minister of Defense has inspected the zone accompanied by the military attaches of the four Great Powers, including the USSR. The military attaches were thus enabled to make sure of the measures taken on the frontier zone with a view to protecting the Austrian frontier and Austrian neutrality.
The Austrian authorities have instructed former Premier Ferenc Nagy[13], who arrived unexpectedly in Vienna on Monday, to leave Austrian territory immediately. This is known to the Soviet authorities.' . . "[77/78]


1225 "Soviet forces here are marching from Vasarosnameny [near the Soviet border] towards Debrecen."
"The County Secretary of the Peasant Party . . . will now announce the program of his party:
"'Our lines were penetrated by irresponsible elements who became the humble servants of the Rakosi clique and who gained a harmful influence on the political life of the country. Together with the Rakosi clique they succeeded in turning the National Peasant Party aside from the path of honor and befouled its clean banner. We now resolve to raise up again the glorious and spotless flag of the National Peasant Party, and to continue our political movement under the name of the Petofi Peasant Party.
"'The Petofi Peasant Party believes in private property and advocates free production and marketing. In the field of religion we advocate the fullest freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and guaranteed security for the activities of churches true to the spirit of Christ. [We] demand extracurricular education for peasant children and youth.
"'We announce that we fully accept the 1945 Land Reform Law, that we will not return the land received by our peasantry, that we will fight relentlessly against any attempt to cast doubt on the correctness of that great national achievement, or against attempts to attack measures in the field of land reform. But we consider it necessary to reexamine all illegalities which have been committed since 1948....
"'While holding full respect for the right of the peasantry to sell its products without restrictions, we consider it neces sary, however, until sound peasant cooperatives are established, to maintain our existing agricultural collectives.
"'We demand that the national government disband the old parliament immediately, and upon the restoration of order convoke a temporary parliament with temporary delegates to frame a new election law. The temporary parliament should consist of 250 to 300 members and these should be delegates from the four former coalition parties.
"Tanks are approaching. . . . No one is in the streets except Soviet troops on patrol. Nyiregyhaza has been surrounded.
...Every part of the country has been occupied ... The situation has reached maximum tension..


1200 "According to information from the Ministry of Defense, a Soviet battalion in the Gyoengyoes area [about 50 miles northeast of Budapest] has handed its arms over to the civilian population, stating that it does not wish to fight the Hungarian people. Since handing over its arms, the battalion has been camping at the outskirts of the town... [78/80]


1900 "The majority of the Soviet units now in Hungary were on the move all Saturday. According to reports received from the northeast frontier, new Soviet formations entered Hungarian territory Saturday morning. According to observers a great number of [Soviet] armored vehicles are held in readiness near the Soviet frontier. The most important movements were affected near Szolnok, Nyiregyhaza and Debrecen in Eastern Hungary. Soviet troops have appeared in the regions of Bekescsaba and Szarvas, Eastern Hungary. .
"According to reports from Nyirbator [near Soviet border], Soviet armored vehicles and motorized infantry crossed the frontier near Beregsurany between 0700 and 1200 [GMT]. A convoy of trucks carrying Soviet families moved from Debrecen toward Vasarosnameny. Following the occupation of the railroad stations in Zahony and Nyiregyhaza, Soviet troops took over the station at Debrecen early this morning. According to information from Miskolc . . . Soviet troops are building railroad lines between Nyiregyhaza and Zahony.
"Soviet troops have occupied highway No. 4 running between Szolnok and Abony and stopped all vehicles moving toward Budapest. This morning Soviet trucks carried infantry from this region toward Budapest. The airport at Kunmadaras is under the control of Soviet troops.
"In several districts the population is in contact with Soviet troops through Revolutionary Committee delegates. . . . The [Soviet] officers and soldiers say that they have come to fight against the Fascists, against those who wish to restore the Fascist regime in Hungary. The people explain to them that there is no Fascism in Hungary, that the Hungarian people are fighting for freedom, for an independent Hungary, and for the well-being of the workers. Soviet officers, without exception, reply that they will not fire on the Hungarians and they also ask for the understanding of the people, for they have come as soldiers, under orders.
"The soldiers who arrived in Gyor said that they had travelled 600 kilometers to get there. They had been told that the Americans wanted to attack Hungary and that they must defend the Hungarian workers. It is obvious that the Soviet soldiers are unaware of the true situation and that, on seeing the enthusiasm of the people, they are more and more convinced that the Hungarian people are fighting for the independence of their Fatherland and for the well-being of the workers."
Review of the evening press:
"The periodical of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Society, to be published every Saturday, carries an editorial entitled 'What We Want -the Essential Points of the Program of the Hungarian Catholic Church.' Among other things the program stipulates the earliest possible re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Hungary. . . - It points out that in keeping with the spirit of the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, measures and social institutions which
truly serve the welfare of the people must be strengthened. The fundamental unit of society is the family, which must be consolidated, the editorial emphasized. In this regard it quotes a point from Quadragesimo Anno which indicates that the worker must earn enough to be able to meet his own needs and those of his family.
"The editorial also demands that Catholic bodies be free to function and that all religious orders enjoy unlimited free dom. It also demands the return of the estates formerly owned by the Catholic Church. It also demands that schools which belonged to the Church be returned to it.
"The organ of the Petofi Party carries an article by the well-known Hungarian writer Laszlo Nemeth[14]. He stresses that in the last few years Hungary has made big strides on the road toward Socialism and has become a Socialist State. To forget this would be just as grave a mistake as that made by Communists who did not take into consideration the real economic situation in Hungary, particularly in agriculture. The Communists overlooked the fact that agriculture here was more advanced than that of Russia before the October [1917] Revolution, and wanted to bring it down to that level.
Laszlo Nemeth then asks what we could gain or lose by maintaining or rejecting Socialism. By proclaiming our neutrality, we have established relations with the camp of neutral States, among which we have taken our position. These people are Socialist, such as Poland and Yugoslavia, or advancing towards systems akin to Socialism, such as India. These people will avoid us if we go back, or even seem to go back, to what they call bourgeois democracy. The respect which we hope we have aroused in the hearts of the people of the USSR and the attention given to us by the best sons of the West, who after this revolution expect from us an exemplary political system, urge us to this.
"Then Laszlo Nemeth suggests that all political parties issue a joint declaration in which they indicate their stand in favor of several great Socialist principles. On the basis of such a declaration . . . a political system of historical importance could be constituted: a multi-party system [80/81]

based on a common fundamental principle combining the force of a social system based on an ideological foundation with the elasticity of a parliamentary system."
Report of a press conference held by Zoltan Tildy and Geza Losonczy for Hungarian and foreign journalists:
"A ... correspondent asked for information on the talks which took place today between representatives of the Hungarian and Soviet Armies. Tildy replied that negotiations began today and would continue tonight. 'One cannot yet speak of the results.' . . . Losonczy added: 'The talks have already yielded some results.
One can note a certain relaxation.' Tildy said that he had information that the Soviet military delegation had promised that no new convoys of Soviet troops would cross the frontier. To the question as to whether the Soviet reply to demands put forward on Thursday by the Hungarian Premier [Nagy] regarding the withdrawal of Soviet troops was satisfactory, Tildy replied, 'The Soviet reply has not so far been satisfactory.'
"The Manchester Guardian correspondent asked whether the Hungarian government knew if the Polish government supported this demand [Tildy's statement that "we desire that the Soviet troops withdraw in the shortest possible time"] concerning the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary. Losonczy said that the Polish government believed that Hungarian questions should be settled without foreign intervention. ... To a question by another foreign correspondent as to whether the possibility of a clash between the Soviet and Hungarian armed forces existed, Tildy replied that Hungarian troops have received orders to refrain from all hostile acts. 'I believe that so tragic a clash could not take place. . .
To a question as to whether the Hungarian government had, in the course of the talks, received a guarantee from the Soviet side that this would not take place, Tildy replied that in the notes exchanged by the two sides there were no guarantees of this kind.
[Asked] whether the Soviet government had informed the Hungarian government about the dispatch of [81/82]
reinforcements to Hungary, Tildy replied: 'That is a good question, but it has to be divided into two parts. The first part refers to the period when the preceding [Hegedus-Gero] government was in power. This government, which was still influenced by Rakosi, had indeed asked for intervention in the affairs of Hungary and asked for aid against the insurgent nation. This situation was brought to an end when the Imre Nagy government came to power.
"'This [Imre Nagy] government de dared on its very first day that it cancelled the request of the preceding government and asked for the immediate withdrawal of the Soviet troops then involved in our internal affairs. This request removed all legal and political foundations for the interference of Soviet troops. From the very first hour of the Imre Nagy government we sent a whole series of notes to speed the withdrawal of Soviet troops. We have not received any satisfactory reply. The Soviet government and the leaders of the troops which have come to Hungary never informed the Hungarian government in advance regarding their plans.' ...
"[Losonczy said:] 'The government has unanimously declared that it will not make any concessions as far as the positive achievements of the past twelve years are concerned, for example, in agrarian reform, the nationalization of factories, and social achievements. It also demands that the achievements of the present revolution remain intact, notably national independence, equality of rights, and the building of Socialism not on the basis of a dictatorship but on the basis of democracy. The government is determined not to tolerate the restoration of capitalism in Hungary.
'We wish to maintain and even broaden our good relations with the Soviet Union and the countries building Socialism...'"

Sunday, November 4, 1956


0420 "Attention! Attention! Premier Imre Nagy will address the Hungarian people:
"This is Premier Imre Nagy speaking. Today at daybreak Soviet troops attacked our capital with the obvious intent of overthrowing the legal democratic Hungarian government. Our troops are in combat. The government is at its post. I notify the people of our country and the entire world of this fact." [Announcement repeated in English, Russian, Hungarian, and French.] . . . [82/83]

0544 Announcement of an Associated Press report that the UN Security Council has received Hungary's appeal.
0655 "Report from New York. The Associated Press reported at 0624 that the United States early this morning asked the Security Council of the United Nations to hold an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss the Soviet offensive in Hungary. The request was submitted by American Ambassador Lodge less than an hour after news agencies reported large-scale Soviet attacks in all of Hungary.
"The Security Council had discussed the Hungarian question Saturday night and adjourned the debate until Monday morning. Lodge, however, requested the Council's chairman to hold the meeting earlier should the situation deteriorate.
0656 "Attention, attention. You will now hear the manifesto of the Union of Hungarian Writers:
"This is the Union of Hungarian Writers! To every writer in the world, to all scientists, to all writers' federations, to all science academies and associations, to the intelligentsia of the world! We ask all of you for help and support; there is but little time! You know the facts, there is no need to give you a special report! Help Hungary! Help the Hungarian writers, scientists, workers, peasants, and our intelligentsia! ... "Help! Help! Help!"
0724 "SOS! SOS! SOS'
At 0725 [GMT3] Radio Free Kossuth went off the air with a repeated SOS signal. The station was silent until 2015. When transmission resumed it was in the hands of the Soviet-controlled regime.
The following broadcasts, in Hungarian, were picked up on the frequency usually occupied by the Balaton Szabadi transmitter, which normally broadcasts the Hungarian foreign-language broadcasts-the radio location was probably Szolnok.
0405 Statement by FERENC MUNNICH:
"Open letter to the Hungarian working people: compatriots- our worker and peasant comrades, we the undersigned, Antal Apro, Janos Kadar, Istvan Kossa and Ferenc Munnich, former Ministers in the Imre Nagy government, announce that on November 1, 1956, we broke off our relations with this government, left this government and took the initiative of forming the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government.
"We were prompted to take this responsible step by the realization that, within the Nagy government, which became impotent under the pressure of the reaction, we could do nothing against the counterrevolutionary danger menacing our People's Republic, the rule of workers and peasants, and our Socialist achievements.
"Respected champions of the working class movement have been murdered-Imre Mezoe, Secretary of the Greater Budapest Party Committee; Comrade Kalmar, veteran fighter of the labor movement in Csepel; Sandor Sziklai, the director of the Museum of Military History. In addition, many, many respected sons of the working class and peasantry have been exterminated.
"As members of the government we could no longer watch idly . . . while, under the cover of democracy, counter-revolutionary terrorists and bandits were bestially murdering our worker and peasant brothers and terrorizing our peaceful citizens, dragging our country into anarchy, and putting our entire nation under the yoke of counterrevolution for a long time to come.
"Hungarian workers, compatriots, comrades! We have decided to fight with all our strength against the threatening danger of Fascism and reaction and its murderous gangs. We appeal to every loyal son of our People's Democracy, every follower of Socialism -first of all the Communists, workers, miners, the best sons of the peasantry and the intelligentsia, to support every measure of the Hungarian Worker-Peasant Government and its struggle for the liberation of the people."
0500 "Attention! Attention! Comrade Janos Kadar speaking:
"The Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government has been formed.
The composition of the government is the following: Premier, Janos Kadar; Deputy Premier, [also] Minister of the Armed Forces and of Public Security, Dr. Ferenc Munnich; Minister of State, Gyorgy Marosan; Minister of Finance, Istvan Kossa; Foreign Minister, Imre Horvath; Minister of Agriculture, Imre Dogei; Minister of Industry, Antal Apro; Minister of Commerce, Sandor Ronai. For the time being the other portfolios will not be filled. They will be filled with other ministers as soon as national order has been restored, members and non-members of the Party, who are ready to protect the achievements of Socialism.
We know that many questions are still awaiting a solution in our country, and that we shall have to cope [83/84]
with many difficulties. The life of the workers is still far from what it should be in a country building Socialism.
"While progress was made during the past 12 years, the Rakosi-Gero clique committed many grave mistakes and gravely violated legality. All this rightly made workers discontent. The reactionaries are now seeking their own selfish ends. They raised their hands against our people's democratic regime, which means that they want to return the factories and enterprises to the capitalists, the land to the big landowners.
"Horthy's gendarmes and prison wardens and the representatives of the hated and cursed oppressive system have already set out to sit on the neck of the people. If they had won, they would not have brought freedom, well-being, and democracy, but slavery, misery, unemployment, and ruthless new oppression. Exploiting the mistakes committed during the building of our people's democratic system, the reactionary elements have misled many honest workers and particularly the youth, who joined the movement out of honest and patriotic intentions.
"Hungarians, brothers, patriots, soldiers, and citizens! We must put an end to the excesses of the counterrevolutionary elements. The hour of action is here. We are going to defend the power of the workers and peasants and the achievements of the people's democracy. We will bring about order, security, and calm in our country. The interest of the people and the nation is that they should have a strong government, a government capable of leading the country out of its grave situation. That is why we have formed the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government. The program of this government is as follows:
"1. The securing of our national inde. pendence and our country's sovereignty.
"2. The protection of our people's democratic and Socialist system against all attacks. The protection of our Socialist achievements and the guaranteeing of our progress on the road of building Socialism.
"3. The ending of fratricidal fighting and the restoration of internal order and peace. The government will not tolerate, under any pretext, the persecution of workers for having taken part in the recent events.
"4. The establishment of close fraternal relations with every Socialist country on the basis of complete equality and noninterference. The same principle governs their mutual economic relations and assistance agreements.
"5. Peaceful cooperation with every nation, irrespective of its social order and form of government.
"6. The immediate and substantial raising of the living standard, particularly of the working class. Better housing for the workers -factories and institutes must be enabled to build apartments for their employees.
"7. Modification of the Five Year Plan, altering the methods of economic management, taking into consideration the country's capacity, so that the living standard can be raised as quickly as possible.
"8. Elimination of bureaucracy and broad development of democracy in the interest of the workers.
"9. On the basis of the broadest democracy, worker management must be inaugurated in factories and enterprises.
"10. The development of agricultural production, the abolition of compulsory deliveries, and assistance to individual farmers. The government will firmly liquidate all illegalities committed in the field of agricultural collectives and [land] commassation.
"11. The securing of democratic elections in the old organs of administration and the Revolutionary Councils.
"12. Support for retail trade and artisans.
"13. The systematic development of Hungarian national culture in the spirit of our progressive traditions.
"14. The Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government, acting in the interest of our people, our working class, and our country, requested the Soviet Army Command to help our nation in smashing the dark reactionary forces and restoring order and calm in the country.
"15. After the restoration ot order, the Hungarian government will begin negotiations with the Soviet government and with other participants of the Warsaw Pact on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary.
"Workers, peasants, intellectuals, youth, soldiers and officers, support our nation's just struggle, protect our people's democratic system! Disarm counterrevolutionary gangs, line up behind the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government. Resume work without delay. Working peasants, defend the land. . . Working youth and students, do not allow yourselves to be misled. Only the people's democracy can secure your future, therefore, protect it! Hungarian workers, the prerequisite for the realization of our justified economic, political, and social endeavors is the defense of the people's democratic power, the restoration of order, the resumption of work and production.
"It is for this that the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government is fighting and is calling on every unselfish son and daughter of the Hungarian Fatherland. Workers, brothers, truth is on our side. We will win."


0800 Announcement that the Soviet troops pushing into Budapest have imprisoned the Nagy government.
All Budapest bridges have been occupied by Soviet troops. Ujpest has fallen. The Army units and freedom fighters at Csepel continue to hold out. Soviet light bombers continue to enter the southern area of Trans-Danubia. Soviet armored units and artillery assisted by the air force are heavily attacking the bridge at Dunafoldvar [south of Budapest]."
0900 Reports that Soviet paratroops are landing in the area between Szekesfehervar and Gyor, and that Soviet motorized and armored troops are entering Hungary from Czechoslovakia over the Komarom Bridge.
Further reports that a desperate battle is under way between [84/85]

Hungarian and Soviet troops between Gyor and Komarom, with the Soviet Air Force entering the battle in low-altitude attacks; that a strong fire was visible from the Budapest area; that [at 0830 GMT] the military radio stations of Gyor, Miskolc and Pecs made an appeal to the local councils to announce the general revolt.
Another report quoting Radio Free Pecs to the effect that the Revolutionary Council of the Trans-Danubian area has taken over temporary governmental power, since the Soviets have taken the Hungarian government prisoner.
Reports that Soviet troops and Hungarian troops are fighting between Miskolc and Helyocsaba, and that the Soviet Air Force has started to use incendiary bombs.
"The Revolutionary Council of the Miskolc Garrison Troops has declared a state of siege for the city. A Hungarian air bomber unit has started a big attack against Soviet troops crossing the Tisza. The Hungarian bombers are bombing the Soviet pontoon bridges built across the Tisza. . . . The miners of Pecs have armed themselves and have joined the Army troops fighting the Soviets.


0730 "This is the free radio of the Dunapentele National Committee. . . . The treacherous occupation forces have at tacked Budapest and several other cities in the country. The battle is on in Pecs, Szekesfehervar, Dunafoldvar, and Veszprem. Hungarian soldiers are fighting as one man against the invaders and will continue fighting for the sacred cause of the Hungarian revolution to their last drop of blood! The situation is serious but not hopeless. Our anti-aircraft artillery has been put into action all along the line. The fight against the intruder is raging everywhere! Hungarians, do not let the Russian troops carry out a massacre in our beloved country! Take your arms and stand united for the sacred cause of the defense of the country! . . . The Dunapentele garrison troops will hold out to the last man. Death to the Soviet occupiers!" [A patriotic poem follows.]
Doctors, nurses and hospital workers, report immediately to your places in the hospital. Soldiers and civilians who know how to handle guns should come immediately to the Bela Bartok House of Culture. Those under 18 and over 61 should return immediately to their homes.
"Attention! This is a call to mechanics. Mechanics who know how to handle 120-150 cubic centimeter machines should come immediately to the 51 workshops of the combined industrial enterprise to do repair work for the National Committee and the Revolutionary Military Council ...


1020 Announcements that, according to information received through the patriots' military radios, the Hungarian Army has pushed back the Soviets in the outer districts of Budapest; that the parliament building is on fire; that Soviet troops are setting up barricades in the center of Budapest, "trying in this way to defend themselves against the mounting fury of the population."
1100 Report that the miners of Tatabanya, aided by Hungarian Army units, are advancing between Tatabanya and Budapest and that the Tatabanya-Budapest railroad line, used for Soviet reinforcements, has been broken through at two points near Szar. Further report that the Tatabanya workers and the local population most emphatically reject the order issued by the Kadar regime to lay down arms, and that, informed of the increasing resistance, the Soviet commander-in-chief is sending additional reinforcements into the Tatabanya area.
An announcement to the effect that in areas in the hands of the [Kadar] Communists, several members of the TransDanubian National Council who tried to get in touch with the Communists have been executed. News that Budapest is in flames and that Soviet troops have been pushed back at Ujpest, Kobanya, Kelenfoeld, Csepel and Obuda.


0902 "Workers, Hungarian workers! The counterrevolutionary government has resigned. They did not succeed in delivering our country to the Western capitalists. They could not succeed, because the Hungarian workers and peasants reject the Fascist dictatorship.
"Attention, attention!
"You will now hear the order of the [Soviet] Military Commander [of Vas County]
"In the city, and in Vas County, the local administrative organs have been unable to maintain order and to secure public safety. Criminal provocateurs continue to harass the peaceful population, to loot public buildings, shops and private homes. They continue bestially to murder Soviet soldiers! All this delays talks between the Hungarian and Soviet governments in regard to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary!
"In order to protect the homes of peaceful citizens and the public buildings from rebel acts and disorders, I, the commanding officer of the city and county, command that patrols of Soviet troops should guard public buildings and enterprises. I order:
"1. Civilians who possess arms to deliver them immediately to the Soviet military command. Those who do not comply will be severely punished. [85/86]
"2. In cities and villages traffic and pedestrians are temporarily permitted to circulate between 0700 and 1700 only.
"3. I order work to continue in shops, bakeries, etc., so that undisturbed food supply to the population is secured. Every single citizen, all public installations, must comply with this order until public safety is fully restored.
"Signed: Military Commander of Szombathely and Vas County.


[in Hungarian, Italian, French, German)
1200 "Attention! Attention! This is the last free Hungarian station!
"This morning at 0130 Russian forces launched a general attack on the Hungarian nation. We ask the United Nations to send immediate help! We ask for parachute troops to be dropped over Dunantul [Western Hungary]. It is possible that our broadcasts will soon stop and you will hear us no more. We will only be silent when they have killed us. This morning at 0130 the Soviet troops launched a general attack against Hungarian troops. We do not know when we shall be massacred. [Repeated several times.]
"Attention! According to unconfirmed news Czechoslovak tanks are also involved in the fighting...."
1421 "Attention, Radio Free Europe. We ask for immediate armed help! We shall report again if possible. We now interrupt our broadcast. We shall report again if possible."
[Dunapentele was not heard again.]


1334 "Civilized people of the world, listen and come to our aid, not with declarations, but with force, with soldiers and arms. Do not forget that there is no stopping the wild onslaught of Bolshevism. Your turn will also come, once we perish. Save our souls! save our souls!
"Peoples of Europe whom we helped for centuries to withstand the barbaric attacks from Asia, listen to the tolling of Hungarian bells warning against disaster.
Civilized peoples of the world, we implore you to help us in the name of justice, of freedom, of the binding moral principle of active solidarity. Our ship is sinking. Light is failing, the shadows grow darker every hour over the soil of Hungary. Listen to the cry, civilized peoples of the world, and act; extend to us your fraternal hand.
"SOS, SOS -may God be with you. [86/87]


1520 "We request Radio Free Europe to relay immediately the following message to the Secretary-General of the UN:
"Appeal to the Secretary-General of the UN!
"We speak to you in the name of the en-tire Hungarian people. Soviet troops are attacking our country for the second time in two weeks. They have turned our country into a battleground without regard for our people and our national values. The first time they interfered in our domestic affairs at the request of a government alien to the people. The Hungarian people energetically and unmistakably repulsed this attempt with arms in their hands. By fighting we made it possible for Imre Nagy to become Premier. He proclaimed the supreme wish of the Hungarian people for neutrality and independence.
"After this the entire Hungarian people joined Imre Nagy and they are still behind him. Although we have only been in possession of neutrality for two days we expect the whole world to respect it! Our government has cancelled the Warsaw Pact and ordered negotiations for withdrawal of Soviet troops. We accuse the Soviet Union:
"1. Of armed aggression from outside the country.
"2. Of having arrested the Minister of Defense, Maleter, and his staff, who went to negotiate the withdrawal of troops.
"Since the only legal Hungarian government, that of Imre Nagy, has been imprisoned, and since that was the only organ which represented the official attitude of the Hungarian nation, in the name of our country we ask that the UN, by every possible means, pass a final resolution for the restitution and the protection of the liberty which we had already once won.
"We now address a message to the delegates of the UN member States:
"In the coming hours you will decide the life or the death of this nation. While your sons are at peace and happy, we sons of the Hungarian nation are falling under the cruel fire of Soviet tanks and bombers. Our country has been attacked from the outside. We turn to you for you are our last citadel of hope.
"Exercise the opportunity which your nation has given to you and save our country from destruction and slavery! We are asking for immediate and effective help which will save us from further bloodshed and will restore our independence. Show that the UN can carry out its will, and by its resolution make it possible for our country again to be free! We appeal to your conscience and call on you to act immediately ... [87/88]


1400 "We announce in the name of the Hungarian Army troops, that they will not put down their arms. Should the combat troops bleed to death, then the older generation will continue the fight
Report that arrested children are being tied with rope to the front of Soviet tanks and the tanks thus continue their onslaught against the Hungarian troops. . .


1356 Ultimatum to Hungarian Army troops to surrender by 1700 [GMT] deadline or face extermination by Soviet troops. Message to the city of Karcag to cease resistance, warning that if arms are not laid down by 1700 [GMT] the Soviet Air Force will bomb the city. . .


2217 "First order of the Soviet military commander of Szolnok city:
"The forces of reaction and counterrevolution organized an uprising in Hungary at the end of October in order to overthrow the people's democratic regime and do away with the achievements of the working class and to restore the capitalist system. By virtue of the Warsaw Pact of the Socialist nations, the Hungarian government turned to the Soviet government for help in liquidating the counterrevolutionary forces and restoring order.
"The Soviet government has complied with this request; our troops have begun to restore order and have prevented the rebirth of Fascism. . .
"I order that as of November 4, 1956, a curfew be imposed upon Szolnok between 1430 and 0500 [GMT] hours.
"All military formations, armed groups and armed civilians must hand in their arms by 1700 hours on November 5, 1956, to the main department of the Ministry of the Interior in Szolnok County. Those who fail to comply will be brought before a military court.
"Until further orders, all assemblies, gatherings, theater and film performances, etc., are prohibited. I call on the population of Szolnok to carry out my orders.
Food shops shall be kept open in order to insure a food supply to the population. I have appointed Colonel [Novorov?] as Soviet military commander of Szolnok.
"Signed: Commander of Soviet troops stationed at Szolnok, Colonel [Bosustov?]" 2245 "Compatriots, workers, peasants, citizens, comrades! Working people of Szolnok County! The country is passing through grave times, especially our beloved capital, Budapest. . . . [Taking advantage of the peaceful youth demonstration of October 23] a gang of guttersnipes under the slogan of democratization and the flag of freedom launched a devastating campaign against the achievements and leaders of the people.
"The counterrevolutionary bandits want to get back everything-the factories, the land, which the people rightly took into their possession. They have not had the courage yet to speak frankly of the taking back of factories and land. But some newspaper articles and radio talks foreshadowed their sinister designs. In the November 3 issue of Szolnokmegyei Neplap [People's Newspaper of Szolnok County -a revolutionary paper] an article openly [88/89] states that peasant farming must, in accordance with the conditions prevailing after the land reform, be based on the inviolability of private property, that security of peasant farming must be created. . . . In other words, back to the 1945 land reform: that is, security for owners of 100 or 200 holds [1 hold 1.42 acres]. . . . For the time being they would have been satisfied with this. . . The next step would have been the restoration of estates of 1,000 and 10,000 holds and [the restoration] of the exploiting rule of the Baghys and Esterhazys, the counts and gentry and squires.
"Collective farm members, individual farmers! Take a firm stand against all such attempts to 'tidy up' your land, in plain language, to rob it! Working peasants! Defend the kolkhozes, defend your land.
Hands off the kolkhozes, the State farms, and the lands of the individual farmers!
"Workers, comrades! Your justified demands-settlement of wages and norms, raising of the standard of living, housing construction, setting up of workers councils, are all demands which the new government has accepted, and it will meet them. You surely heard the speech of Janos Kadar, the veteran revolutionary, ill-treated by the Rakosi clique, in which he outlined his program. [The 15-point program of the Kadar government follows.]
Finally we inform the working people of Szolnok County that the restoration of order has been taken over by units of the Soviet Army. . . We request the people to continue to remain calm and to comply with the orders of the forces maintaining security. . . .
"Soviet soldiers, do not endanger either the personal or material safety of a single citizen. Preserve your calm. Truth is on our side and will triumph.
"Signed: Szolnok County branch of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' [Communist] Party


1900 "Dear listeners, we now transmit some official announcements. We call on the professors and students of the universities and high schools to start lectures and instruction tomorrow morning as usual.
"Attention, attention: until further notice curfew is to last from 1700 to 0600. . .
"Attention: the curfew regulations do not apply to bakers and workers of the food industry. We inform all these workers that the commander of the city authorizes them to circulate freely during the curfew. We request that [they] increase the [food] supply to the population with conscientious and disciplined effort."
Appeal of the [Communist] Party Committee and the National Council of Baranya County:
"Workers, peasants and intelligentsia! In . . . recent days it has become clear that the justified demands of workers, peasants, youth and intellectuals have been exaggerated by counter-revolutionary forces, and, taking advantage of our people's patriotism, they were launching an attack against the power of the working class. Comrades, workers, you know best what capitalist rule means, what unemployment, hunger, misery and humiliation mean. We believe that none of the workers want any of these things. Comrades, the attempt of the counter-revolutionaries has been defeated in the entire country and in our county also.
"Do not believe the lies of Radio Free Europe!
"After the restoration of order we promise you that we shall work in a new manner; we will not permit those illegalities which were committed by the old leaders. In the future, the workers will definitely become masters of the factories. You must re-elect worker councils, with Party leadership, from those workers who remained loyal to the proletarian power...
"Workers, support the Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government established under the leadership of Comrade Janos Kadar. . . . Do not expect a better future from the counter-revolution but solely from the Worker-Peasant Revolutionary Government.
"Signed: County Baranya Party Committee and County Council."
2100 Order of the Soviet military commander:
"I order:
"1. The Revolutionary National Committees to disband.
"2. The population to hand in all weapons to the military command, in the building of the former security police, by 1700 [GMT], November 5, 1956. .
"3. All factories and offices to start work on November 5 as usual.
"4. The population strictly to refrain from demonstrations and gatherings. The cultural and entertainment places to remain closed until further notice.
"5. The population may circulate in the town from 0600 to 1800 [GMT]. Shops may stay open during that time.
"6. In case of firing at Soviet soldiers, and at any citizen, the Soviet armed forces will fire back with all weapons at their disposal." [89/90]


1908 Faint SOS signals and calls for help, made unintelligible at times by jamming and atmospheric conditions. Suddenly, out of the welter of background noise, a voice in clear English:
"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal ...
Here the voice was drowned in the other noises. Then:
The brave men living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract ...
1910 The voice became inaudible. [90]

[13]Ferenc Nagy was head of the Sma1lholders' Party, and Premier of Hungary 1946-47.
[14]Nemeth was elected to the Presidium of the Writers' Union in September 1956, in the election which overthrew the Stalinist leadership of the Union; he is not a Communist.

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